Team Canada 2019 – Sponsors and Donors
CDSA wants to sincerely thank and recognize all the sponsors and donors for their significant financial support towards Deaf and hard of hearing athletes who will represent Canada at the 2019 Winter Deaflympics. The event will take place in Valtellinna-Valchiavenna, in Italy, on December 12-21, 2019. Click here to learn more about Team Canada.
$1,000 and more
Jonathan Guinta
Jim Kyte
Murielle and Armand Turpin
$500 to $999
David Joseph
Mark Kusiak
$100 to $499
Audrey Beauchamp
Cynthia Benoit
Lynn Jensen
Joan Porter
Robert Reid
2 anonymous donors
$100 and less
Lucie Anderson
Bruno Arsenault
Céline Beauvais
Bernard Benoit
Céline Benoit Anderson
Louise Benoit
Sylvie Benoit
Alexandre Bertrand
Martin Boucher
Elzbieta Burnat
Charles Charron
Ronald Christenson
Bruno Clouette
Yvon Clouette
Marie-Carole Daigle
Danny Daniels
Timothy Dans
Robert Denny
Sylvie Faucher | A. Fuchs
Darryl Hackett
Suzanne Laforest
Robert Lang
François Leblond
Lilia Kusiak
Richard Kusiak
Margaret Martin
Gina McLachlan
Archie Milarek
Monique Morency
Shawn Moses
Donald Prong
Francis Roussel
Charline Savard
Darren Saunders
Amardeep Singh
Kitt Tremblay
Alain Turpin
Benoit Vigneault
39 anonymous donors |
Thanks to Jim Kyte, NHL’s first hard of hearing ice hockey player, for his generous donation of $2,500 that came from his induction at the Canadian with Disabilities Foundation’s Hall of Fame in October 2018. Furthermore, CDSA is also honoured to have Jim Kyte as Team Canada 2019 spokesperson. Thank you, Jim. | ![]() |
Thanks to the Alberta Deaf community and the Alberta Deaf Sports Association for their support with the 50/50 tickets sales for the fundraising event and the silent auction at the Schanks Sports Grill that took place on September 28, 2019. | ![]() |
A special thanks to Mark Kusiak, Jonathan Guinta, and Loretta Wall for the planning of the fundraising and silent auction events at the Schanks Sports Grill that took place on September 28, 2019. | ![]() |
Thanks to the Manitoba Deaf Sports Association and the Manitoba Deaf community for their support to CDSA at the FunSpiel that took place in June 2019 in Morris, MB. | ![]() |
Thanks to the Ontario Association of the Deaf and the Toronto Deaf community for their support to CDSA by allowing them to collect funds during Mayfest, their annual event, in May 2019. | ![]() |
Thanks to the Manitoba Deaf Sports Association and the Manitoba Deaf community for their $2,552 donation that came from the 2018 Canada Deaf Games. | ![]() |
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